We can act as a professional deputy for a vulnerable person who has lost mental capacity, and has no family able to take on the role.

As professional deputy, we are able to act under a property and financial affairs order. We are not able to act as personal welfare deputy as companies and corporations are not permitted to do so.

As professional deputy, we can deal with the application in its entirety and once appointed as deputy, deal with every aspect of the vulnerable person’s financial affairs. This could include

  • ascertaining their financial assets
  • paying any debts that may have arisen
  • dealing with their property, making sure it is insured and secure, repairs are undertaken and ultimately overseeing the sale
  • ensuring that they receive all benefits that they are entitled to
  • liaising with the care home/care provider to ensure that they have all that they need and are as comfortable as possible
  • employing an independent financial adviser (if necessary) to make sure that their funds are receiving the best possible return
  • employing case managers to manage a person’s complex care needs
  • looking at their Will or dealing with an application for a Statutory Will
  • visiting them on a regular basis.

Our fees for this service are assessed by the Senior Courts Costs Office and this is something we can discuss with you should you wish us to act as professional deputy.

Professional attorneyship and deputyship management news