All adults should be able to live free from fear or harm and have their rights and choices respected. Some adults are less able to protect themselves and have difficulty making their wishes and feelings known, making them vulnerable to abuse.
We specialise in the legal protection of the vulnerable, both young and old.
Anyone can be a victim of financial abuse, broadly a violation of an individual’s rights relating to their finances or other assets. This includes:
- having money or property stolen
- being defrauded
- being put under pressure in relation to money or property
- having money or other property misused.
We are committed to preventing financial abuse and responding quickly when it is spotted.
There are a number of ways to minimise the risk of financial abuse
- lasting powers of attorney (LPA) allow adults who are currently able to manage their affairs some or all of the time to arrange for people they trust to take decisions for them on financial and health and welfare matters if they lose the capacity to do so themselves through accident, illness or old age
- acting as a deputy under the Court of Protection allows family members, friends of other professionals to handle financial matters or health and welfare considerations where a vulnerable person does not have the capacity. We can act as a deputy under the Court of Protection
- trusts can be a very effective way of protecting the financial assets of a vulnerable beneficiary. We can advise on the use of trusts in Wills and can act as trustees.
We work with attorneys, deputies, family members and the individual themselves in the funding of long-term care, including NHS continuing healthcare.
We have built relationships with local providers of domiciliary care and independent financial advisers who specialise in providing advice for the elderly and the funding of long-term care. We work closely with Hertfordshire Police Safeguarding Adults from Abuse Unit, the NHS and other healthcare and community service providers to keep vulnerable adults in Hertfordshire safe.